فارسی عربي

Mahmoudi brothers announce new film actors

Mahmoudi brothers announced actors of their new film ‘Dying in Holy Water’.

Actors of Mahmoudi brothers’ new film ‘Dying in Holy Water’ have been announced.

Neda Jebraeili, Matin Heidarnia, Sadaf Asgari, Sogol Khaliq, Alireza Ara, Khayam Vaqar and Peyman Moqadami are the new actors who have joined the film.

Ali Shadman, the actor of popular series ‘kimia’ has previously been selected to play a role in Mahmoudis’ film.

The film written and directed by Navid Mahmoudi and produced by Jamshid Mahmoudi narrates the story of some young Afghans who go from Iran to Europe.

The synopsis reads “Rona: Hamed, don’t fear the sea. If you are afraid of anything it’s more likely that it will happen to you. Hamed: I don’t.”

Filming of the movie has started a few days ago. The Mahmoudis are trying to finish the film prior to the 38th edition of Fajr Film Festival.

Read more:

‘Kimia’ actor joins Mahmoudi brothers’ new film

Mahmoudi brothers to make ‘Dying in Holy Water’

